The House wrens are back in town

That time of the year has come again, when the migratory birds return to their old nesting grounds. New and old birds come by, and some of them decide to stay longer. We’ve had company this past month, much to our delight, as the little house wrens treated us once again with their playful mood and cheerful songs.

Wren resident settling in

The nest was already built last year, so not much fun for us watching these little cute but quite ferocious creatures build a nest; just a little touch up here, there. Some of you may remember how my godson Tudor painted the birdhouse in attractive colours, with a cute pattern on each side (you can read the post here if you haven’t had a chance to read it yet).

We expanded the premises this spring, purchasing a new ‘RV’ birdhouse. Unfortunately, the RV was not a success, but it still hangs nicely from an adjacent branch of the same tree. Perhaps it’s too close to the old house, and no other bird had the audacity to built another nest near the already established residents.

RV birdhouse

Wrens usually choose to return to a previous nest, while others will pick a new spot. I like to think we have the same residents we’ve had last year. The dense foliage of the black locust tree from our backyard offers a great hideout for the bird house and the birds too, but also few small empty spots through which I can watch them from a distance.

Chickadee checking the birdhouse mid-April
“Nah, not to my liking!!.. ” thought the chickadee, mid-April..
Renovating the nest
” It’s May already and it’s still available?.. We’ll take it, although the roof needs some improvements!..”
Team work renovating the old nest
” Let me know what else you need, dear! I’ll watch around while you fix the bedding!”

After we returned from vacation at the end of May, the birds were already carrying food inside the house. I knew they had already hatched, and I became so excited to see them coming out.

The wren pair took turns regularly guarding the nest, and we could hear a buzz every day or so, while the parents busied themselves bringing food to the young. We haven’t seen any baby birds for weeks; however, the food supply was not short. The busy parents who kept bringing food every day assured us that the little ones are fatting up, inside of the little house. We could see them carrying all kinds of small insects, ants, even spiders.

House wren carrying food

House wren carrying food for babies

Are you wondering if I looked inside? You bet I did, but as soon as I was getting close to their house, there was always a parent coming out of the blue, scolding at me with the shrill tone of their throats. I kept moving away quickly, as not to bring them into utter distress.

A scolding house wren

While they don’t make life easy for other birds, these little wrens don’t have an easy life for themselves either. One day, I heard their pitched tone scolding someone. I knew immediately that something was wrong in the backyard. A naughty black squirrel was climbing the tree. As soon as I went outside and the culprit left, the danger sounds stopped. Everyone was relieved…

After days of watching them, the big surprise just happened! I was taking some photos of the beautiful flowers that keep blooming every day when I heard the buzzing noise from inside of their little house, again. To my surprise, I was able to see some movements.

A timid peek outside of the world

I kept waiting, and waiting, and not long after I saw a little fledging who had the courage to venture near to the door. It didn’t get outside, but just a little in my visual area. I’m so glad that my camera focused right in time to be able to capture few nice shots. Yayy!!

A shy appearance
Fledging making a shy appearance

I guess they should be able to fly soon, I can’t wait to see them out😊

18 thoughts on “The House wrens are back in town

  1. I love the new RV birdhouse. It’s too bad it wasn’t a hit with the birds. Glad to hear you had much better luck with your other bird house though. How fun to watch the parents come and go and to catch a glimpse of the babies.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The guy really liked it Christie. What was not to like, it had a prebuilt nest. The female was not so sure. The discussion was quite noisy and went on and on. Finally, they agreed on the location but rebuilt the nest.


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