The most spectacular drives in Canada

Canada is big. Like, really big. With ten provinces and three territories, Canada is the second-largest country in the world by area (and ranked the fourth by land); amazing landscapes, interesting cities, a wide variety of wildlife, and lots of roads. From West to East, Canada has so many hidden gems, that one cannot visit in a lifetime, probably.

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Spring exuberance

Spring is a time of exuberance and growth. A time when the nature revives, putting up a lot of energy to work. A time when the fields and the trees get back a new outfit, and the forgotten colour of green comes back to our sight. A time to welcome back the winged travelers, and to enjoy the sound of spring.

A time of change, hope and new dreams.

And even if the spring might be rushing past us, it will remain forever in our hearts.

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The best photos of the year: 2022

After two years of pandemic, 2022 came at a slow pace. We decided it is time to enjoy life, and travel more than in the previous years. Therefore, at the beginning of the year we answered quickly to our friends invite to stay with them in Fort Myers.

City of Palms was a nice surprise, our sweet get away from the cold Canada, where the winter lingers for.. too much😊

Nature eventually revived after a long winter, and new life emerged in the spring, but no traveling plans have been made yet, which was unusual for us, especially after 2 years of restrictions.

After a tiresome trip back home in Romania to tie some loose ends, I was all so eager to make some vacation plans. The second part of the year found us on the road, exploring the New York State; Finger Lakes region was a new discovery and a delight, only few hours driving from GTA.

Suddenly, our priorities changed, and my little free time got completely devoted to planning new trips and hikes. A couple of amazing months of short trips in Nova Scotia, Canada, and Provence, France soon followed. Unfortunately, I had to put blogging, and other activities on hold, as nothing can beat the excitement of a new trip!

The fall is my favourite season in Canada, and we couldn’t miss the amazing colours, but soon after the autumnal foliage was gone, we found a nice place to relax in Cayo Las Brujas, Cuba.

With many opportunities to explore the nature, we collected beautiful memories from two continents, hiking along two of the most amazing canyons Letchworth and Verdon Gorge; enjoying countless waterfalls, learning bits of history in new places along the road.

Unable to keep up with the blogging in 2022, I’ll try to gather some of my best photos throughout the year. A wonderful one overall, very grateful for all the travels we have had, and everything else.

Wherever you are, wherever you go, happy travels to all of you, and have a Wonderful New Year!


Rainbow falls, Watkins Glen state park
Rainbow falls, Watkins Glen state park
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Happy Earth Day!

“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” – Chief Seattle

As the days become longer, and the skies sunnier, we see and hear the birds more often, building nests and calling for a mating partner. It’s the spring time, again, with small flowers emerging through the last layers of snow, with birds singing happily around. The spring that brings everything alive, and never fails to bring us joy! Except maybe for some late snow falls, known under different names, such as “Onion snow”, “Robin snow”, or “Lambing snow”. Nevertheless, the spring is here😊

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