The Atlantic puffin, cuteness overloaded

Nicknamed ‘sea parrots’ or ‘sea clowns’ for their cute appearance, the Atlantic puffins are some of the most loved seabirds. Although they are the smallest puffin species, they are actually tough birds.

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Why Newfoundland was nicknamed the Seabird Capital of North America

With a great promise to see wildlife and a pleasant experience, I was really enjoying the start of the cruise and the surrounding scenery, listening the crew member’s jokes on the upper deck, under a balmy sun. A colourful mix of local humour, stories and songs captured everyone’s attention, including myself. That was when I heard the local joke about the Newfoundland roads, but that’s another story.

I didn’t really notice when the blue sky turned dull grey, and when the calm waters became choppy. I suddenly found myself swinging from a side to another, unable to get a steady grip on my camera.

Getting so edgy, I decided it was time to go downstairs, but will I be able to walk down to the lower deck, or even grab the rails? They seem so far from my sit.. Should I stay, or should I try going downstairs? This was the moment I started to doubt if this cruise was for me..

Bay Bulls
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